Spring is here & I hope everyone is enjoying the unusual Spring and even Summer like weather we are having. I have been seeing more people outside lately - running, walking, cycling, and even pulling weeds. it is a great time to get outside, dust off the winter blahs and begin to see the sunshine. But, don't forget to hydrate.
And please - as you are trying to stay hydrated - consider the environment. Please try to use reusable water bottles if you can. It saves you money, as well as, the environment. If you can't - then please recycle your plastic water bottles! Keep them out of our landfills and oceans!
According to National Geographic:

Americans drink more bottled water than any other nation, purchasing an impressive 29 billion bottles every year. Making all the plastic for those bottles uses 17 million barrels of crude oil annually. That is equivalent to the fuel needed to keep 1 million vehicles on the road for 12 months. If you were to fill one quarter of a plastic water bottle with oil, you would be looking at roughly the amount used to produce that bottle.
The recycling rate for those 29 billion bottles of water is low; only about 13 percent end up in the recycling stream where they are turned into products like fleece clothing, carpeting, decking, playground equipment and new containers and bottles. In 2005, that meant approximately 2 million tons of water bottles ended up in U.S. landfills, according to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Plastic bottles take centuries to decompose and if they are incinerated, toxic byproducts, such as chlorine gas and ash containing heavy metals, are released into the atmosphere.
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