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WMKV Your Holistic Health
Your Holistic Health is a weekly program on Mondays from 5:30 pm – 6 pm ET and is hosted by Dr. Cathy Rosenbaum, a holistic clinical pharmacist, and Founder/CEO of Rx Integrative Solutions, Inc, a consulting practice in holistic medicine in Loveland, OH. Dr. Cathy shares her expertise in non-traditional medicine with WMKV listeners on a weekly basis.

Your Holistic Health gives its audience practical tips on how to integrate body mind spirit principles into everyday living, and each show focuses on wellness and prevention. Visit Dr. Cathy's website at for health related articles she has written, or email her at with a question or comment on her shows.

Don't forget to tune in to Your Holistic Health Mondays from 5:30 pm - 6 p.m ET on WMKV 89.3 fm in Cincinnati, Ohio or at WMKV's streaming audio at

Listen to ~ 2-28-11 - Emotional Intelligence - Laura Canter - Psychologist (Australia)
Interesting Youtube - Happiness & Positive Psychology
  • What is Positive Psychology? - Martin Seligman
  • Dan Gilbert: Exploring the frontiers of happiness
  • Dan Gilbert: Why are we happy? Why aren't we happy? 
  • Shawn Achor, Part 1: The Science of Happiness and Potential (Parts 1-3)
  • Matthieu Ricard: Habits of happiness
  • Matthieu Ricard - The Art of Meditation 
  • Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - How to be happy at work - Mihaly

Harvard Business Review - Podcast


Who Do You Blame When Things Go Wrong?

Featured Guest: Ben Dattner, founder of Dattner Consulting and author of The Blame Game. He is the coauthor of the forthcoming HBR article Can You Handle Failure?


Post-Traumatic Growth and Building Resilience

Featured Guest: Martin Seligman, director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania and author of the forthcoming HBR article Building Resilience. He is also the author of Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being.

Why a Happy Brain Performs Better


How Women Become Leaders

Featured Guest: Alice Eagly, professor of social psychology at Northwestern University and coauthor of Through the Labyrinth: The Truth About How Women Become Leaders.


Manage Your Organization's Energy

Featured Guest: Bernd Vogel, assistant professor of leadership and organizational behavior at the Henley Business School and coauthor of Fully Charged: How Great Leaders Boost Their Organization's Energy and Ignite High Performance.


Ricky Gervais on Not Having a Real Job

The Persuasive Power of Uncertainty