Monday, October 17, 2011

Cranky Co-workers

Office Bullies or Just Bad Manners?
Have you been experiencing higher than normal cranky co-workers?  Well, it may not just be you – recent research has shown that 86% of workers experience “bad manners.”  There are many factors that are contributing to the increase in bad moods and poor behavior at the office:  downsizing, wage cuts, change in leadership and more.  During these tough economic times, people who are still employed are taking on additional stress as well as taking on more than one role. This can create a greater chance of hostility in the workplace, creating an environment of rudeness.

So, how do you overcome this negativity in the work environment?  First of all, focus on what you have control over – YOU!! You only have control over your thoughts, your feelings and your behaviors. So, don’t let other people’s stress and baggage get the better of you. Encourage people to come together during these hard times. Humans want to feel socially connected, so create an environment at work which will help promote reciprocity and kindness towards each other.  People with strong social ties at work are more likely to live longer, according to new research in Health Psychology Magazine. So, why not promote a productive work environment through kindness, generosity, gratitude, and compassion.

You are not the only one going through tough times – we all are. And the best way to get through tough times is to come together.

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