Monday, May 16, 2011

Mental Health Awareness Month

How's Your Mental Health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It is a great time to remind yourself to take care of your mental health. And one of the easiest ways to take care of mental health is to exercise. That’s right – by taking care of yourself physically you can significantly improve your overall mental well being.
Exercise is truly the un-sung hero in mental health prevention and treatment.
Exercise can:
»        Improve your mood
»        Combat chronic diseases
»        Manage your weigh
»        Boost your energy levels
»        Promote better sleep
»        Spark your sex life
»        And it can even be fun – no really – it can be!

Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out. You'll also look better and feel better when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. Regular physical activity can even help prevent depression and even help to bring you out of a depressive episode.

In 1999, Duke University Medical School did a study to look at exercise vs. prescription drugs in the treatment of depression. Originally, they were looking to see which treatment would be better for depression. They took 156 patients and broke them into 3 groups:
»        Exercise Only Group
»        Medication Only Group
»        Combination (Medicine and Exercise) Group

At the four month marker, they did a follow-up. Overall, 60% of the participants got better. They were quite even across the board too. No matter the treatment, people improved. Another 6 months went by and they followed up again. Once again, no significant differences between the three groups.

The study wasn’t producing the exact outcomes they had originally anticipated, so they decided to see what would happen if you stopped treatment. What would the relapse rates look like?
»        Medication Only Group = 38% relapsed into depression
»        Medication and Exercise Group = 31% relapsed into depression
»        Exercise Only Group = 9% relapsed into depression

Of course this was shocking to the researchers, but it wasn’t shocking to those of us who exercise. Even on the days I don’t feel like exercising, after I force myself to just walk for even 20 minutes – I feel great. It truly improves my mood, helps my sleep better, handle stress better and of course I can still fit into the skinny jeans.

Exercise doesn’t have to be painful and boring. Change up your exercise routine. Go for a hike outside (weather permitting). Play catch, tag football or Frisbee - any fun sport.  Challenge yourself just one day within your routine. Go an extra 10 minutes or increase your intensity a little and see how you go.

If you are just starting an exercise program – start slow. It’s okay to start slow and simple. Find an activity which you like – walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc. and just commit to 2 days at 20-30minutes. Then the next week increase a little: maybe add a day, or add some time, or increase intensity just a little. You don’t need to be ready to pass out of vomit to know you’ve done a great workout. Start slow and set yourself up for success.

Try something new! I can’t dance – but Zumba is fun! I’m not very coordinated, but Step Classes really kick my butt. I love Yoga (see below) and even though I’m not the most flexible in the class, I feel like I am doing something good for my body and my mind when I do it. I feel at peace and ready to face my next challenge head-on. Eexercise today to help your mental health. Listen to your Mind, your Body, and your Spirit and do something to help your mental wellbeing today!

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