Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Today, I was inspired by the Beatles classic - Here Comes the Sun. So, I wanted to just share the lyrics with you and I hope you can hear the tune humming in your head while you read them. I hope you have a wonderful, warm day under a spring sun! Winter is almost gone and new life is blooming! Take time to feel the sun on your skin, to smell the daffodils, and just to enjoy that fresh spring smell.  Have a wonderful day! And if you are having a bad day – there is always tomorrow!


Here Comes The Sun

Songwriters: George Harrison

Performed by: The Beatles

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right
It's all right

Monday, March 14, 2011


Showcase Your Gratitude

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.
~ St. Augustine

Definition: The state of being grateful; thankfulness. (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/gratitude)

Gratitude is the heart's internal indicator when the tally of gifts outweighs exchanges (The Iinternational Encyclopedia of Ethics)

At a time of chaos and uncertainty in the world, it's often good to reflect and remember what we are grateful for in life.  I have a few friends who either live in Japan or still have family in Japan. And sadly, it sometimes takes a neutral disaster for us to stop and rekindle a sense of gratefulness.

Being grateful is actually a good skill to help us cope with life's daily frustrations, stress, trauma and crisis. At a time, such as now, when life appears to be in crisis around the world, having a grateful outlook helps to offer a buffer or protection from the trauma.  It can also help to encourage resiliency - and a 'bounce-back' spirit.

In fact, people who regularly practice gratitude can increase their personal 'set-point' for happiness by 25%! Research even shows (controlling for all known risk factors), people who practice gratitude can decrease their chances of cardio-vascular disease, decrease symptoms of depression (by 6-12 months), improve quality and length of sleep time, they typically spend more time exercising and have greater levels of overall well-being.

The most common ways to practice gratitude is to keep a Gratitude Journal. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or elaborate. Just bullet pointing 3 things which you are grateful for each day or at least once a week, can have a significant impact on your mental health. The research has shown that keeping a Gratitude Journal for as little as 3 weeks can result in better sleep and more energy!

I am very thankful that my Japanese friends are safe and their loved ones are safe. I was even more encouraged today while checking some emails from Japan.  One of my Japanese friends sounded hopeful and inspiring during a time of chaos and uncertainty.  She wrote, "Japanese people have power to withstand this extremely difficult situation and to revive our home country. I am also very impressed and appreciate the people who are concerned for me and Japan. I am fine, but thanks for your words and kindness."

This inspires me to be re-energized with my faith in humanity. Despite of lack of control over mother nature, we can pull together and help each other in a time of need. Whether it is a natural disaster or an economic crisis - it is better to showcase kindness, gratitude, fairness and humanity. It is better to be optimistic and remember those things which we are grateful.

I am sending loving kindness, well wishes, thoughts and prayers to our friends in Japan.

If you would like to help out please see the Red Cross's website: http://www.redcross.org/portal/site/en/menuitem.1a019a978f421296e81ec89e43181aa0/?vgnextoid=f9efd2a1ac6ae210VgnVCM10000089f0870aRCRD

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Introduction & Welcome

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the Canter Associates Blog. The purpose behind the blog is to share with you information on how to improve overall wellbeing - Mind, Body & Spirit. Currently, I write a monthly newsletter for Positive Power Strategies. It is a free monthly newsletter, which is full of great information to help you towards your life and career success. However, I also wanted a medium to talk about even more interesting tips, research, techniques and strategies to help improve on overall wellness.

Please feel free to sign up for the newsletter, but I will also post them on my blog.

I'd also like to hear from you!  Do you have any questions, suggestions, or areas of interest within the fields of Performance Psychology, Positive Psychology, Exercise, Nutrition, and general well-being?  Please let me know!

But, for now - here is a bit of an introduction to what I do:
I am a Performance Psychologist. What is that you say?  Performance Psychology is the branch of psychology that studies the factors that allow individuals, communities and societies to flourish. Most recently, performance psychology has included the study of the psychological skills and knowledge necessary to facilitate and develop peak performance guidelines into best practice for sport, business, fitness and the performing arts.

I had formal training in Sport and Exercise Psychology – which refers to the application of proven mental techniques designed to enhance performance and help people get the most benefit out of their chosen sport. It focuses on how the mind influences and is influenced by participation in physical competition. Sport psychologists also focus on how non-athletes can maximize their physical potential and reap the health and psychological benefits of exercise and team play.

I also tend to use a more Positive Psychology approach to my work. Positive Psychology is a relatively new paradigm in Psychology which is the scientific study of what enables individuals and communities to thrive.
The main focus for most individuals and organizations in the past has been on getting rid of weaknesses, rather than building their primary strengths.  Recent findings suggest that a primary focus on building strengths is a far more effective strategy for fostering creativity, productivity, and well-being.  The heart of my work is aimed at identifying and developing character strengths, which will help lead to successful and happy outcomes for individuals and organizations.   By using a Mind, Body, Spirit approach we can maximize your success my using your personal strengths and abilities.   

My Philosophy is simple — Using your Strengths to Maximize your Success!  A disciplined performance requires a disciplined mind.  By training yourself in strategies specific to your talent and personality, you become the one to wield the power of your mind over your performance—rather than being at the whim of your emotions.  Even the best in the world can improve; it simply depends on their desire to do so.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Article from Monitor on Psychology Magazine March 2011

“So, what do you do?”
Thanks to the recession, one in 10 people doesn’t have a good answer to that question.

In employment centers, “we are flooded with people who’ve lost their jobs,” says Jane Goodman, PhD, a professor emerita of counseling at Oakland University in Rochester, Mich., where she runs a career center. “We’re seeing lots more mental health issues associated with career issues.”

Millions of Americans are facing the possible depression, anxiety, domestic violence and substance abuse associated with unemployment, says David Blustein, PhD, a professor of counseling and psychology at Boston College. Job loss, he says, entails “anywhere from a huge life challenge to psychological devastation.” According to a 2009 survey by Mental Health America, the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the Depression is Real Coalition, jobless Americans are four times as likely to have severe mental illness as their employed counterparts.

Although the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that unemployment is approximately 10 percent, that’s an understatement. The bureau does not count people who have given up looking for work. It also leaves out the unhappily employed — people who’ve been forced to “trade down” to a job that doesn’t use their talents, for example, or people who are working but constantly in fear they’ll lose their jobs.

As psychologists’ research shows, in addition to the obvious financial ramifications, job loss has huge psychological consequences (Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 74, No. 3). “Employment is a powerful part of your self-image,” says Peter Kinderman, PhD, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Liverpool in England. “That loss of identity is overwhelming.”

As unemployment goes up, the number of unemployed people seeking psychological counseling also rises, Blustein says, although exact numbers are not available. As a result, psychologists find themselves performing a dual role of psychotherapist and career counselor — a function that may be novel for them.
“All clinicians need to be prepared to talk about work issues,” says Nadya Fouad, PhD, chair of the department of educational psychology at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. But too often, she says, psychotherapists aren’t well versed in these issues (see www.div17.org/vocpsych/Guidelines).

To help address that gap, Fouad and the Society for Vocational Psychology (a section of APA Div. 17, Society of Counseling Psychology) have drafted and proposed APA practice guidelines that encourage psychotherapists to get up-to-date on work issues and incorporate vocational considerations into the broader context of lifespan development.

But that’s just a start. Since most psychology training programs still focus on clinical issues — not unemployment and its emotional baggage — psychologists should look for continuing education on working with unemployed people. It’s training worth considering, points out San Francisco State University counseling professor Robert Chope, PhD, since the unemployment problem is probably here to stay.

What we know

Research by psychologists and others is offering insights into how unemployed people feel and what might help them. Research has found, for example, that unemployment and poor health feed off each other. Recent job loss is detrimental to emotional and physical health, according to a 2002 survey of 756 job seekers (Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol. 7, No. 4). Conversely, even mild or moderate depression or anxiety can prevent people from working, Kinderman says.

In addition, many studies have linked unemployment to increased blood pressure and heart disease symptoms. The body’s defenses suffer, too; the authors of a 2007 study found reduced numbers of immune cells in the blood of unemployed people (Psychosomatic Medicine, Vol. 69, No. 3). Although past studies have focused on men, the same happens in women. Researchers at the November meeting of the American Heart Association reported that women who worried about losing their jobs suffered increased blood pressure, cholesterol and weight.

Unemployment is particularly harsh for those who strongly identify with a specific organization or career path, and people who lose blue-collar jobs suffer more than the white-collar unemployed, according to a 2009 meta-analysis of unemployment and mental health (Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 74, No. 3).

In addition to stripping away a crucial facet of one’s identity, unemployment breaks down social structure and leaves people with nowhere to go every day, Chope says. Further, he notes, people are left feeling they have no control.

Responses to job loss vary. In a 2009 paper, researchers from Australia reported that people who scored high for self-esteem and perceived control over their lives, and low for neuroticism, were best equipped to deal with unemployment. People who held a strong commitment to working suffered (Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 47, No. 4). Recent studies show that people who are especially conscientious also struggle with unemployment (Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 44, No. 4), while those who score high on resilience tests are less susceptible to depression (Journal of Employment Counseling, Vol. 44, No. 3).

Traditional gender roles also affect one’s perception of unemployment. In a 2010 study of parents, men were more likely to see job loss as defeat, while women saw opportunity (Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 31, No. 5).

Psychotherapists can help, but only for those who can afford their services. “The problem is finding clinicians who can see people for lower fees,” Blustein says. “That’s a huge crisis that complicates the situation.”

A person’s response to unemployment can parallel the five classic Kubler-Ross stages of grief, although people may not necessarily hit each one or follow them in order, says Michael Lazarchick, a retired employment counselor in Weymouth, N.J. Lazarchick is acting president of the National Employment Counseling Association, a division of the American Counseling Association. Depression and anger are common responses to joblessness, he says. Denial also happens — for example, Lazarchick says, some unemployed men continue to put on a suit, grab a briefcase and leave the house each morning, although they have nowhere to go. Others try to bargain with former employers, offering their services for less pay.

The psychotherapists’ goal, Lazarchick says, is to help people reach the acceptance stage. Psychologists can reduce feelings of guilt, particularly in times such as these when the economy, not the individual, is often to blame. Therapy can help people banish negative thoughts and deal with their situation by maintaining a routine and accepting support from friends and family. Lazarchick also suggests people join a job search support group.

As they confront the emotional fallout from unemployment, psychotherapists also have to help people get back to work — helping them identify key skills, access job-search resources, and network with professionals in their fields. “Working with unemployed clients is not the same as career counseling as most people know it,” Blustein says. Traditional career counseling is about helping people who have options choose the ideal path.

But for unemployed people, the problem is hardly an overabundance of options. Blustein says the focus should be on transferrable skills — abilities the person already has, but could apply in a new field. For example, five years ago there was no job title “iPhone app developer,” but now it’s a booming market, notes Paul Englert, PhD, an industrial/organizational psychologist based in Sydney, Australia, and expert on maintaining mental health during unemployment.

In another example, Chope cites two of his clients, Silicon Valley engineers who turned their skills to the food industry. One started a high-tech street food service and the other developed an online order system; many San Francisco restaurants have copied their methods.

Psychotherapists can help by pointing their clients to important resources, such as the U.S. Department of Labor’s o*net website (www.onetcenter.org). With o*net, which is free, users can browse a large database of job descriptions. The online o*net Academy offers instruction on topics such as job-seeking tools and emerging occupations. There are also Web-based seminars on tools counselors can use.
Older clients, in particular, may need help adapting to modern strategies. Many have never filled out an online employment application or logged in to the online networking site LinkedIn.

Job seekers must learn to project confidence in job interviews — or as Chope says, to “fake it ’til you make it.” Most important, Lazarchick says, people need to network. He recommends job hunters spend half their time meeting new people — through social clubs, chamber of commerce meetings or volunteer work, for example.

And people must accept that the employment environment is changing. These days, it’s unlikely that a person will spend a lifetime with one company. In between regular jobs, many people find themselves assembling an income from several projects or contracts — Goodman calls it a “patchwork career.”

Finding a sense of peace

Painful as job loss is, a new study offers a glimmer of hope. Within a year, most people bounce back, according to researchers at the New York University School of Medicine and Columbia University in New York City. They analyzed life-satisfaction ratings from the German Socioeconomic Panel Data, a longitudinal study that ran between 1984 and 2003. During the study, 774 of the participants lost their jobs. The researchers found that 69 percent of those people reported a dip in life satisfaction at the time of job loss, but were back to their normal feel-good attitude a year later (Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, Vol. 3, No. 32).

Still, says Englert, society as a whole must accept unemployment. “A lot of people have held their concept of who they are with their job, and that’s very dangerous,” he says. “There simply aren’t enough useful jobs, in any economy.” Englert is founder of the Occupational Psychologists and Research Associates Consulting Group in Auckland, New Zealand.

To make people perceive unemployment as less of a black hole — even as an opportunity — Englert looks to the power of marketing. Mass media campaigns can be very effective, according to a recent review in Lancet; such efforts have reduced smoking, increased condom use and persuaded people to wear seat belts (Lancet, Vol. 376, No. 7948). In Englert’s case, he’s selling the idea that unemployment offers opportunities to go with the challenges. “The dilemma with work is that you are often financially rich and time poor, whereas now you’re financially poor and time rich,” he says. “This is the greatest opportunity that you have had because it’s going to make you look at your life in a new way, as a life to be lived.”

Unemployment offers the chance to spend time with family, read books and learn new skills. To get people thinking that way requires more than public service announcements. “The most powerful marketing is face-to-face,” Englert says. Case managers, public welfare officers, and others who work with job seekers should take care to use positive language, he recommends.

Although unemployment certainly can be an opportunity, Goodman says, it’s important not to blithely encourage suffering clients to turn lemons into lemonade. “Sometimes, it’s still lemons,” she says.

And settling into unemployment can impede the job search, points out Peter Warr, PhD, a professor emeritus at the Institute of Work Psychology at the University of Sheffield in England. “It’s a terrible dilemma,” he says. “If you don’t feel bad, you don’t want to get back to work.” Warr is the author of “Work, Happiness, and Unhappiness” (Erlbaum/Routledge, 2007).

During the 1980s, Warr studied Sheffield steelworkers who lost their jobs as the industry nosedived. Some became resigned to their fate, and simply waited for the job market to turn around. Others tackled the problem constructively, finding volunteer work or hobbies to occupy their time. The latter group was certainly happier — but they were not rushing to rejoin the work force (Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 44). The authors of a more recent 2007 review also argue that active unemployed people are happier than their inactive counterparts (Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, Vol. 28, No. 4).
Thus, psychologists must enact a delicate balance: helping people develop the skills to survive without work, even as they continue to seek work.

Psychotherapists can also contribute by helping policymakers understand the devastation of job loss, Blustein says: “We can provide a voice for the unemployed who see us.” For example, in 2010 APA asked Congress to increase funding to train psychologists who deal with underserved populations, such as the unemployed (APA Monitor, Vol. 41, No. 6).

“The financial impact doesn’t have to come with the psychological impact,” Englert says. “If we don’t start dealing with the psychological issues … we’ll be dealing with all the social and health issues.”

Amber Dance is a writer in Los Angeles.